What attracts zombies to bases
Zombies are a common enemy in many survival and horror video games, and players must learn how to protect themselves from these creatures in order to survive. One of the most important things to understand is how zombies are attracted to bases, and how players can prevent them from being attracted.
The most likely explanation for why zombies are attracted to bases is that they are attracted to the noise and activity that goes on at a base. Whether it's the sound of gunfire, the clang of metal tools, or the chatter of human voices, zombies are drawn to any sign of life. This makes bases a prime target for zombie, as they are likely to find a lot of activity and noise there.
However, light can also be a factor when it comes to attracting zombies. It seems that zombies are not naturally attracted to light sources, but they can be attracted to light if it is switched on or off. This is because turning on a light switch makes a noise that can be heard by zombies in a large radius. This issue has been reported by some players, and it is worth noting that in a later patch, the noise caused by the light switch was removed, so light itself would not attract Zombies.
To prevent attracting zombies to bases, players can take a number of steps to reduce the chance of attracting them. The most important step is to keep doors and windows closed. This will not only block the noise and activity inside the base from getting out, but it will also prevent zombies from seeing the player as they walk past windows. In addition, curtains, sheets, and metal sheets can be used to block light and prevent zombies from being attracted. Additionally, you can use curtains to prevent zombies from seeing the player as they walk past windows. Another way to reduce the chance of attracting zombies is to add planks to windows to block out light, but also to prevent zombies from seeing the player inside.

Another key step is to be aware of your noise level, when outside and moving around, specially if you are playing multiplayer, try to coordinate with your teammates for noise reduction, for example, using silenced weapons, or moving in silence.
It's important to be aware of the potential risks and take preventative measures to avoid attracting zombies to bases. By keeping doors and windows closed, blocking out light with curtains, sheets, and metal sheets, and being mindful of noise levels, players can reduce the chances of zombies being attracted to their base and increase the chances of survival.
Additionally, it's important to keep the base security up to date, build traps, walls or other elements that can provide an extra layer of protection to the base, this can be also an early warning system, or slow down the zombies before they get to you.
In conclusion, zombies in survival and horror video games are attracted to bases due to noise and activity. By understanding this and taking preventative measures, such as keeping doors and windows closed, blocking out light, and being mindful of noise levels, players can reduce the chances of zombies being attracted to their base and increase their chances of survival. Additionally, keeping base security updated and building extra elements that provide protection is also crucial, remember that every detail counts.