How to claim a safehouse in Project Zomboid
In Project Zomboid, a safehouse is a place where players can store their belongings and respawn if they are killed, depending on server settings. It is essential for progression in the game because when a player dies, they lose all their belongings. Having a safehouse allows players to keep their loot and supplies safe so they don't have to start from scratch every time they die.

To claim a safehouse, players must first find an interesting location on the map that is not a spawn location. They can do this by exploring the world and looking for a building or location that meets their needs. Once they have found a suitable location, they must right-click the floor of the building and select the option "Claim Safehouse". This will assign the house to their character. It is important to note that once a player has claimed one safehouse, they will not be able to claim another. When a safehouse is active, no other players will be able to enter within 2 tiles of the house.
Server administrators have the ability to change safehouse settings in the game. This includes the option to allow only admins to have a safehouse, as well as the option to disable the safehouse feature altogether. The "Player SafeHouse" setting determines whether or not the safehouse feature is available in the game.
One thing to note is that commercial buildings cannot be claimed as safehouses. A group of survivors in Project Zomboid attempted to claim a commercial building as their safehouse, but found that they were unable to do so. The building was fully cleared of zombies, but the presence of cars nearby prevented them from claiming it. They attempted to delete the cars, but another zombie stumbled in and they were forced to kill it. As a result, the building is now considered a "non-residential building" and cannot be claimed as a safehouse. However, there is a mod on the Steam workshop that may allow commercial buildings to be claimed as safehouses in multiplayer servers.
If you want to move your safehouse to a new location, you must first release your original safehouse. To do this, right-click the floor of the house and select the option "Release Safehouse". Once you have released your original safehouse, you can claim a new one by following the steps above. Simply find an interesting location on the map that is not a spawn location, right-click the floor, and select "Claim Safehouse". This will allow you to rename your safehouse and decide who can enter.

In conclusion, safehouses in Project Zomboid are essential for survival in the game. They provide a place for players to store their belongings and respawn, depending on server settings. Players can claim a safehouse by finding an interesting location on the map and right-clicking the floor to mark it. Server administrators can change safehouse settings, including whether only admins can have a safehouse and if the safehouse feature is available at all. However, commercial buildings cannot be claimed as safehouses, though there is a mod that may allow this in multiplayer servers. If you want to move your safehouse, you must first release your original safehouse and then claim a new one by following the steps above.