You’ve probably watched some book guides and they tell you to watch the life and living channel at 6:00, 12:00, and 18:00 to get some free experience in your skills, but they don’t stress how amazing that skill game can be.
There are two things you need to do to maximize your gains:
Pick traits to increase experience gain. Examples of these are a fast learner and +1 carpentry. By getting +1 carpentry, we also gain +75% experience that stacks with the fast learner.
Read the skill box. The more of a skill book you read, the higher the multiplier gives to your experience in that skill. Higher-level books give larger experience multipliers. You can only read the books at the proper skill levels - one book per two levels.
That said, this skill still gives you a lot of breathing room as you only have a couple of hours before the first carpentry show. You can still get to level two carpentry on that first day even if you don’t have time to read or find the first skill book.
Life and Living
All you need to do is read the proper book, show up to watch the show, and let those experience gains flood in! You’ll never have to grind carpentry on a long-term character again! Level 10 carpenter without even touching a hammer!