How do you ride a bike in project zomboid?
In Vanilla Project Zomboid, riding a bike is impossible, but there are ways to get around faster with less energy.
One of these ways is by installing the APOCALYPSE MACHINES 2 WHEELZ mod, which adds over twenty different types of motorcycles to the game. Players can jump on a motorcycle if they are next to it, and even right a motorcycle if it falls over. This mod is a great addition for players looking for an alternative to traditional travel methods.
You can install the mod through this link
Another way to get around faster with less energy is through Braven’s Bicycles mod. This mod adds a new and unique way to travel, but comes with some costs associated with it such as being more vulnerable to attacks and having low storage capacity. Despite these costs, the advantages of using a bicycle outweigh the disadvantages, making this mod a great option for players.
Braven's Bicycles Mod

Using motorcycles in Project Zomboid is a great way to move around quickly, but it does not mean that a person is safe from the zombies. Players need to be on the lookout for any zombies that are coming near them and make sure their motorcycle is balanced in order to make a successful getaway.
In conclusion, while it is not possible to ride a bike in Project Zomboid, there are ways to get around faster with less energy. Installing the APOCALYPSE MACHINES 2 WHEELZ mod and Braven’s Bicycles mod are great additions to the game for players looking for an alternative to traditional travel methods. However, players need to be on the lookout for any zombies that are coming near them and make sure their motorcycle is balanced in order to make a successful getaway.